Custom Personalization

Great gift ideas for Birthdays and Graduations.

Prestige Script on Hand Towels Great Christmas Gifts for Visiting Family & Grandchildren!

Monogrammed Towels are Great for Wedding Gifts.

Matching Robes for Newly Wed Couples for Christmas.

No-Sew Fleece Blanket

Standard White Lab Coat with Name & Study of Medicine.
Monograms, Names, Custom Logos
One-of-a-kind Designs
Break away from the pack and let us help you find a way to show your individual personality with your baby gift,
wedding present, Christmas surprise, or team/school uniform.
Choosing the right font is critical when trying to showcase your name or logo. Should it be bold block print or fancy decorative script? Should it be on a patch or directly on the shirt? Should your school team use a stock design or should you have an original logo created?
Look at the galleries below to see what we offer.

Blank Green Patches Subdued Army Green with Black Border.

If your shirt is seen 10 times a day
and the shirt lasts for one year,
then your message will be seen 2500 times,
(10x5x50) during its life.
If you pay $25.00
for the shirt then
the cost per visual “hit”
is only $ .01