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Custom Personalization

Monograms, Names, Custom Logos

One-of-a-kind Designs

Break away from the pack and let us help you find a way to show your individual personality with your baby gift,
wedding present, Christmas surprise, or team/school uniform. 


Choosing the right font is critical when trying to showcase your name or logo. Should it be bold block print or fancy decorative script? Should it be on a patch or directly on the shirt? Should your school team use a stock design or should you have an original logo created? 


Look at the galleries below to see what we offer.

If your shirt is seen 10 times a day

and the shirt lasts for one year,

then your message will be seen 2500 times,

(10x5x50) during its life. 


If you pay $25.00

for the shirt then

the cost per visual “hit”

is only $ .01

Endless Possibilities

Endless possibilities are available for personalized embroidery. Anything from tote bags, bath towels, polo-shirts, jackets, blankets, ball caps and more.  

Elegant Professionalism

Embroidery allows you to showcase your business with a sophisticated ease and professionalism.


Personalizing garments with your logo or your monogram brings back the stylish elegance of the past with the ambition for the future. 

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All embroidery images by Wendy Lowe 

© 2018 by LoweGoEmbroidery&Designs Proudly created with

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